Tuesday, February 26, 2008


After only 40 weeks and 5 days, Mya Audrey Velazquez decided to join us! Not surprisingly, she is GORGEOUS! I mean, look at her parents.

Wendy didn't push for very long -- about 35 minutes. And for the record, she was a silent pusher! No screaming, no cursing at her husband -- just focus. This chick was in a ZONE!

Anyways, the vitals:
Mya Audrey Velazquez
Born: February 25, 2008 @ 1:22 p.m.
Weight: 8 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 20 1/2 in.

Gwin, you were close with your guess of February 24, but Jenny Pearson, you nailed the delivery date. Yes, it still counts even though it was an induction.

Sergio, by going with the "under" on Melinda's guess, nailed the 8 lbs. 3 oz. birth weight.

Mama Val, you got her length correct at 20.5, as did Gwin. The jury is still out on her first words...

I can, without hesitation, tell you that Wendy and I spent the next hour crying and/or fighting back tears of joy. To see her bring our daughter into this world...well, I don't know if I'll ever be more amazed at something. Both mom and baby are doing fine and are recovering here at the hospital. Not surprisingly, our first night as a family was a rough one -- Mya was either wanting to eat or needing a diaper change all night. And parents, you know how fun those first few diapers are!

Thank you so much to everyone for all your thoughts, prayers, texts, calls, gifts and visits. She's our child but this was very much a community effort and we feel blessed to have such great family and friends to share this experience with. We're parents now and that's a tough thing to wrap our brains around. But we are both so in love with this little girl already that we are looking forward to the journey!

I will try to post more pics of this little love bundle soon. Time to get back to my girls -- I smell a full diaper!

Eric & Wendy


Anonymous said...

Congrats to all of you !
Blessings, Lisa Clark

Anonymous said...

YAY! She's here and she is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations Eric & Wendy. Welcome to parenthood, your life as you know it will never ever be the same! As soon as that little girl arrives your world I'm sure was turned upside down and you'll find yourself thinking how utterly irrelevant are the things that yesterday seemed vitally important. Treasure every single moment because those first 12 months fly by. All my love, Summer

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! I can tell from your blog that you are in the TRUE BLISS that accompanies meeting your child for the first time. It is such magical and unique time. Just take it all in. Congrats again. Our love is with you guys,

The Shoptaws
Kim, Mark & Sadie and baby #2 on the way

Anonymous said...

Congrats !!!!! We are both so happy for you. Love, Corey & Jen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! I sense a prom date for Ben in about 18 years - That is, if daddy ever lets her date! Love to all of you. Rachael, Mike and Benjamin