Friday, March 20, 2009


So here we are -- March 20, 2009 -- and Dr. Janis Fee says that Wendy could go into labor Sunday or Monday, putting us well ahead of our April 12 due date. But don't worry -- it's fine. Wendy is nearly full-term (37 weeks) and ultrasound measurements put Ella at around 7 pounds already. She's gonna be a little fatty, regardless of her actual birth date!

For those of you in to juicy details, Dr. Fee based this prediction on the fact that Wendy is already 2.5 cm dilated and Ella's head is definitely low and ready to go. Naturally, this prediction has Wendy tickled. So this weekend will entail lots of walks and, just in case we don't get another chance, a trip to the movies courtesy of Auntie Emily Babysitting, Inc.

So it's time to drop your predictions on birth date and other vitals. Will you let the doc's haphazard prediction sway you? Or will you stick to nature's rule with a date closer to April 12? Leave your predictions below in COMMENTS.

Just for fun, here's what you guys predicted last year ahead of Mya's big day:

Mya Audrey Velazquez
Born: February 25, 2008 @ 1:22 p.m.
Weight: 8 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 20 1/2 in.

Gwin, you were close with your guess of February 24, but Jenny Pearson, you nailed the delivery date. Yes, it still counts even though it was an induction.

Sergio, by going with the "under" on Melinda's guess, nailed the 8 lbs. 3 oz. birth weight.

Mama Val, you got her length correct at 20.5, as did Gwin.

We'll keep everyone posted! Prayers for a safe, swift and (relatively) pain free labor are appreciated!

P.S. Someone also asked earlier if we were registered and where. We are registered for some stuff -- mostly necessity items -- at Babies R Us again. Ella will have plenty of hand-me-downs from her big sister, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind a few items of her own!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


My little red riding hood at 31 weeks. Hot mama!

The last few weeks have been very hectic for the family Velazquez. We are realizing that we are ill prepared for the arrival of Ella Grace, which is slated for April 12 but is more likely the end of March. We still need to install the new car seat for Mya, get her bassinet in place, pack our hospital bag and sleep (at least once) for eight consecutive hours. Wish us luck!

Wendy's belly is just about as big now as it was when she was full term with Mya, so that puts Ella's predicted birth weight at just short of a metric ton. This pregnancy has been difficult for Wendy -- her ligaments never fully healed in her pelvis after Mya, so naturally with each ounce Ella puts on, there is extreme pressure and pain on Wendy's nether regions all day long. But she's a trooper and still rubs her belly and talks to Ella all the time.

Meanwhile, Mya -- who turned one this week -- is walking around and getting into everything! Other parents weren't lying when they told us that life would be way different once she started taking steps. But alas, we're managing and happy to see her developing those leg muscles for Olympics 2024. You're our cash cow, Mya Moo! No pressure...

On a side note, the girls took some Valentine's day pics for me as a gift (see below). Amy, Wendy's sister, is an amazing photographer -- we wish she would start making money doing it! The pics are of Wendy, Mya and the baby belly!

But first -- our first 3D peeks in at Ella in utero, courtesy of the ladies (Terry, Kim and Ashley) at Before the Stork 4D ( We had all the grandparents there to watch on their big screen! Enjoy, and be sure to start checking more often as the due date nears!

Little Ella was all over the place during the ultrasound, but we managed to catch this serene moment with her sucking her thumb.

This one we can't really explain. Several times during the ultrasound, she just stuck her tongue out, a la Air Jordan. Maybe she was invoking her inner Bud Man with a "Whasaaaaaaap?!"

Look at how plump these cheeks are already!! Depending on when she comes, she could out-plump her big sister's birth weight.


This was the final image of the exam. We'll see you soon, Ella Grace!

Mya loves showing off those two bottom teeth, even when she's getting into mischief.

In general, Mya hates hats, bows, clips and rubber bands and anything else in her hair or on her head -- unless SHE'S the one putting them on! Stubborn little moo moo.

Our little girl. Life is good...

Monday, January 12, 2009


My lovely ladies posing for a pic at Melinda's New Year's gathering.
What is the best time to blog? Over your morning coffee? Just as you're settling into bed, perhaps? Maybe you should blog whenever the urge hits -- when your thoughts are most blogworthy. Is it all of the above? We contend that the best time to blog is...(drum roll)...

...whenever you can. And when you're spending most of your day wrangling around your 10.75-month old (that was for you, Paterson), moments of digital creativity are few and far between. I'm sure the other parents out there know wht I'm talking about. In any event, we wanted to update you on what's been going on at Casa de Velazquez.

Mya went from dragging to crawling to standing in what seemed to be a week. She hasn't taken any steps yet -- she can step pretty well with help -- but she is cruising on all the furniture, reaching for everything and eating anything she can get her hands on. Her latest non-edible indulgence? A rubber band that she pulled out of her hair. (insert shameless rubber poop joke here)

Mya just visited her new pediatrician. She'd just gotten over a cold and was feeling very social, waving and smiling at the entire staff. We found out that Mya is 23 pounds (she's lost 2-3 pounds) and 29 3/4 inches -- both place her, not suprisingly, in the 95th percentile for her age group. Olympics 2024, here we come!

Wendy, as you can see from the pics here, is getting bigger by the day. Her belly is absolutely in full bloom and I'm loving it. She is bigger sooner than she was last time, which is fun for me (and me alone). Back problems have kept her from exercising as much as she did last time through but she walks when she can and chases Mya plenty, so her weight gain is pacing just right.

Doctor Fee -- our new OB, who sports an ironic, if comical, name -- says that little Ella Grace is growing at a great pace and may even make her debut 1-2 weeks ahead of her April 12 due date. We're back in church here in the OC and feeling very much at home again. Despite how crazy things are right now, we feel incredibly blessed and all of you reading this are a big part of that.

Stay tuned for more updates! We'll try to be better about it, but again -- time for blogging is tougher and tougher to come by!

You guys may see this holiday pic resurface next Christmas card season. Thanks for looking at the camera, Mya.

Wendy's bulbous belly in all of its glory, circa week 26. "Love Child" is right! (except for all the cheesy, hippy connotations)

More belly photos -- just because. This was taken around Week 25.

Mya getting all "crazy eyes" on us. What? Like you don't give your kid a cup of Taster's Choice in the morning?

Nothing too exciting here -- it's Mya looking into the big tank on her first visit to the Long Beach Aquarium.