Hey wait...nobody told US that babies were this much work! Alas, we the proud but sleep-deprived parents plod on...
We brought Mya home on Wednesday afternoon and are working hard at getting into a bit of a routine. That was tougher in the first few days when mom and baby were still getting the hang of breastfeeding, but it's getting better and better -- feedings are coming every 2-3 hours as prescribed and Mya's on her way to getting fat and happy. Having her home -- despite the fog of only getting sleep for a few hours (at most) at a time -- feels wonderful.
As you may be able to tell from a few of the pics here, her color is normalizing. She's definitely more Velazquez than Ames in that department, which everyone says is great, especially if she ends up with blue eyes. For some reason, that only seems strengthen my resolve to lock her up in a dungeon through puberty. Wendy's been doing great with breastfeeding and mothering. Daddy, meanwhile, has become something of a pro with diaper changes.
We've also had some visitors to the house already. Grammy Ethel came and spent the night on Thursday, Auntie Emily stayed the night before that. Dave, Jeff and Tiffanee have all stopped by the house to see baby Mya, too. We'll be taking plenty more pictures in the weeks/months/years ahead -- I've just left a random sampling of our first few days as a family here.