Thursday, December 13, 2007


Here's a short clip from our 3D ultrasound with Dr. Bradley. About 5 seconds in, Mya starts to look bored, letting out a HUGE yawn!

And below are some of the still shots from the ultrasound. She was generally uncooperative with the doctor -- her head was settled pretty far down in Wendy's pelvis AND she was facing the posterior wall of the uterus. But eventually, she did give us some good looks at her little baby cheeks! The bottom photo is of her little foot. She has a giant toe! The consensus seems to be that she has my nose and Wendy's mouth. What do you guys think? Leave your thoughts by clicking on "Comments" at the bottom right part of this post.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mya's First Christmas?

Okay, maybe not quite yet -- but we're getting there. We snapped this shot on December 5, the day after we got our Christmas tree. It's hard to believe that we're about to start Week 29. We're definitely in the homestretch. Childbirth classes start next week and we're looking forward to it. Next Christmas though...we'll be holding little Mya in front of the tree! (And we'll look GREAT!)

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Betting Time!

While we can no longer guess about the whole boy/girl thing -- unless we get a HUGE surprise when she's born! -- we can still make guesses on a few other things like when she's going to be born, what time, how much she'll weigh and how long she'll be. Below are the projected due date and the specs for Wendy and I when we were born. Click on "comments" in the bottom right portion of this box and leave your guesses. The closest ones win an undisclosed amount of babysitting opportunities.

Birthday: May 10, 1978
Birth time: 9:30 a.m.
Birth weight: 8 lbs., 6 oz.
Birth length: 21 in.

Birthday: August 17, 1977
Birth time: 8:40 a.m.
Birth weight: 7 lbs., 12 oz.
Birth length: 20 1/2 in.


* THE ERIC FILE and THE WENDY FILE are subject to angry dispute by our mothers who might expect us to know this stuff by now.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Mya Registry

It's almost baby shower time! Many of you have been asking where we are registered. Until now, the answer has been "nowhere." Now, the answer is Babies R Us. You can access our registry by going to and clicking on the baby registry in the top, right-hand corner.

The registry is under the mommy-to-be's name: Wendy Velazquez.
If that doesn't work, try the registry number: 68972374

We are so grateful for everyone who has already decided to purchase gifts through the registry. Being new at this, Wendy and I really had no idea how much STUFF you need to get ready for a child. Good thing our condo is like 23 square feet.

NEWS: Our next doctor's appointment is at the end of November. We hope to post new ultrasound video soon after that. Then, in early December, we get our 3D/4D ultrasound and we DEFINITELY intend to share that with everyone.

NOTE: If anyone wants to just drop the expectant mom a line to see how she's doing, she's fast becoming the queen of e-mail. You can reach her at

Friday, November 9, 2007


To the right, you'll notice a new feature -- a baby ticker, courtesy of I got the idea from my good friend -- the two-time Olympic athlete and insanely hilarious Heather Petri. Thanks, Petie! Check out her blog at the link below and be sure to follow her and the girls as they get closer to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing! (Shameless plug, I know -- what can I say? I used to be her publicist.)

Now, you guys can check back to see Mya "grow" as we head toward her projected due date of February 20. We should have new belly photos and ultrasound videos up soon, so check back often.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Today, October 15, 2007 -- a day that will live in infamy. The Velazquez Family was suddenly and deliberately told by their doctor that they were having a girl!!!

Though this rough ultrasound view won't have any really "telling" images for you at home, her lack of a penis had the doctor pretty certain (98% she said) that we were having a girl. Baby was just over 10 inches head to toe and weighed in at 14 ounces -- both right on schedule. Baby's heartbeat was crazy strong and we couldn't be happier. Now, it's time to get started on the nursery!

Baby Belly -- Week 21

And here's the outside belly view in Week 21. It doesn't look drastically bigger from this angle, but the sides of her belly are so much harder. At our Week 21 ultrasound (above), the doctor said that the baby weighed a healthy 14 ounces already. And yes, many of you have made comments on how brave Wendy is for showing her belly to the masses -- but those of you who know her know that her belly has always been FANTASTIC (Eric's words, not Wendy's). Long, slender and lean, her belly is one of the things Eric fell in love with first! Now, it's full of baby! Feel free to leave your comments on our board here.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Belly or Basketball?'s her belly at Week 18. At the bottom of the page, you'll see Wendy's belly at Week 13. Look at what a difference five weeks makes! Week 21 photos are above.

A Trip Down Memory Lane...

Long before little Neutron was even a thought, these two incredibly handsome kids took their vows. Let us then reminisce -- let's go back to May 28, 2006 when these two got hitched. Visit their wedding photos here:

A View of the Womb

Here's a few peeks at our Week 13 ultrasound. Baby Neutron -- that's the latest nickname because of the head-to-body ratio here -- was active and not at all shy during this close-up. In the third video, you'll see the bones of the baby's face -- baby looks a little like Skeletor, but we love him/her anyway. You'll also catch Eric chatting up the doc like a rookie dad. Our next ultrasound at Week 21 should show us the baby's sex!

We apologize...some of the images get shaky at times since they were done with a tiny digital camera.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 13 Belly

Here's Wendy's belly at the start of Week 13. Notice her barely-there belly button? She's excited because that means it won't be a giant outie during her last few months. This was the first week we noticed any change with her tummy but after this, it started feeling and looking different everyday!